How Arya Stark Got The Dagger? #GameOfThrones #ForTheThrone #GoTS8 #SpoilerAlert
Bran Stark received the dagger from little finger, who got it from Bran’s mother before she died. Bran handed the dagger to Arya Stark based on his visions for future for the battle with dead & Night King #CatchItFirst

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The dagger was used by a cut throat who tried to murder Bran in Season 1, and as Littlefinger points out, in a very real way it started the War of the Five Kings. After fighting off the assassin, Catelyn Stark took the dagger to Kings Landing because she suspected the Lannisters were behind the attempt on Bran’s life.
Upon receiving the weapon, Bran asks Littlefinger, “Do you know who this belonged to?” It sounds like a straightforward inquiry into who might have tried to kill him, but this is an odd ask coming from a guy who sees everything, so why pose the question at all?
Upon a rewatch, it sounds like a legit, but different, question: Does Littlefinger actually know who this dagger used to belong to?
Littlefinger might not, but it sure seems like Bran does.
There’s good reason to think that the dagger is very old. Sam saw a drawing of it on a page in a book he helpfully lingered on in episode 1.
How would Robert Baratheon have gotten a Valyrian steel dagger so renowned that it was sketched in a history book in a chapter on Dragonstone, ancestral seat of House Targaryen?
Simple: He stole it from Rhaegar Targaryen after the Battle on the Trident.
It makes sense that Robert would take a valuable victory trophy from the man he killed in what by all accounts was a very personal conflict. Robert blamed Rhaegar for the kidnapping, rape, and death of the woman he loved and when he killed Rhaegar, he took it.
So let’s say for the sake of argument that Arya Stark is in possession of what I will now refer to as Rhaegar Targaryen’s dagger. Why do we care who it’s owner used to be?
If nothing else the dagger’s provenance is a reminder that the past still matters and that characters are still dealing with the repercussions of choices made a long time ago.
We won’t spoil the fun of the episode for you all hence enjoy episode 3 to figure out the importance of this dagger used by Arya Stark & why Bran did not hand over the dagger to Jon Snow. This is got to be one of the best episodes in Game Of Thrones, every moment was truely pulsating even though long battles can be boring but this one was too much action packed.
Fan Theories suggest that the next Arya Stark victim referred to as Green Eyes could be either Cersei or Daenerys Targaryen? Which one do you think is on her hit list let us know your comments below.
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