The wait is over, #MissionImpossible Fallout Trailer is out, #EthanHunt is back #CatchItFirst

Tom Cruise’s next film and the sixth installment to the MI franchise is Mission Impossible Fallout. The much-awaited trailer has released and do not blame us if you fall off your chairs watching this edge of the seat trailer. Such is the intensity of this 2 and a half minute video.
Director Christopher McQuarrie has decided to keep the adrenaline rush super high for the viewers and he has been very well supported by his editor Eddie Hamilton. Not taking any credit away from cinematographer Rob Hardy for the breathtaking visuals.
The trailer starts off in France (Europe) and the basic plot seems to be based on a race against time. However, what MI Fallout’s USP seems to be is how breathtaking, crazily shocking and unbelievably believable these action and stunt scenes have been implemented to give the audiences an edge of the seat experience. In simple words, Tom Cruise accomplishes the impossible and has time and again impressed us with his fitness, screen presence and suave acting.
From fast cars, bikes, trucks, lorries to even boats, helicopters and the protagonist hanging on from a cliff, this film seems to offer a lot of high points. The MI theme has been incorporated into this trailer in a very innovative manner where each beat counts, matches each punch or kick. It is going to be interesting to see how all this revolves around the storyline and how engaged audiences are kept. Mission Impossible Fallout hits the screens on July 27.
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